Selasa, 25 Oktober 2016

Language styles in Advertisment


1. Style Language: Climax
Advertisement: KFC
Sentence: "Jagonya ayam".

At KFC ad with the phrase "Jagonya Ayam" contains stylistic climax which means it is a style that uses something successive increasingly peaked. , KFC ad illustrates that KFC chicken is the most delicious fast food among others.

2. Style Language: Repetition
Advertisement: Milk Ultra Mimi
Sentence: "Tumbuh alami, alami tumbuh"

At this time the milk ad, containing style that is repetition, repetition is repetition of both words syllable or word in a sentence with the aim of giving emphasis. it is intended that the sentence is easy to remember and consumers will be remembered by the brand of milk.

3. Style Language: Climax
Advertisement: soap Shinzui
Sentence: "Karena putih itu Shinzui"

Ad soap this one uses style climax, the language style is expressed bahsa soap Shinzui who really can whiten among other soap.

4. Style Language: Personification
Advertisement: Sunlight
Sentence: "Sunlight bersihkan lemak 5 kali lebih cepat"

Sunlight ad using language style of personification. Personification it self has a figure of speech that gives meaning properties inanimate objects with human traits such so that it can be and behaving like humans. "Sunlight clean ..." The sentence which is the personification of style, because it is an inanimate object such Sunlight soap to wash the dishes that seemed to be able to do a activity that is cleaning.

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